No Fun Medical Marijuana Bill Passes In PA Senate


PHILLY.COM: After 50 minutes of debate, every Democrat voted “yes,” as did 20 of 27 Republicans. Several “yes” votes came from senators who have law-enforcement backgrounds. Under the proposal, state residents would need an access card from the Health Department after proving they have a practitioner-patient relationship and written confirmation of a qualifying medical condition. A handful of drug delivery methods that do not involve smoking it would be permitted under the bill, including extracted oil, edible products, ointments and tinctures.Qualifying medical conditions include cancer, epilepsy and seizures, Lou Gehrig’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, post-traumatic stress disorder, spinocerebellar ataxia, severe fibromyalgia, wasting syndrome and traumatic brain injury and post-concussion syndrome. MORE

RELATED: Although a majority of Pennsylvanians support the legalization of marijuana, it remains a controversial issue, according to a survey released by Keystone Analytics. Sixty-nine percent of voters in Pennsylvania would like to see marijuana legalized. Sixty-nine percent of voters would like to see the legalization of marijuana, with 47 percent in favor of use for medicinal purposes only and 22 percent for any purpose. Twenty-seven percent believe that marijuana should remain illegal in the Commonwealth. MORE