Romney Meets Black People, Possibly For 1st Time

BUZZFEED: Mitt Romney’s “who let the dogs out” moment from when he marched in the Jacksonville, Florida Martin Luther King day parade already lives on in YouTube infamy. This extended version of the clip shows even more painful Romney moments, including the former governor telling a young baby he is wearing “bling-bling” and a girl she should be a boy scout, to which she replies, “Why a boy scout?” MORE

PHAWKER: Why do we get the distinct feeling this is the first time Mitt Romney has been around black people that weren’t taking his Big Mac order or cleaning his hotel room?

BRIGHAM YOUNG: “You see some classes of the human family that are black, uncouth, uncomely, disagreeable and low in their habits, wild, and seemingly deprived of nearly all the blessings of the intelligence that is generally bestowed upon mankind …. Cain slew his brother. Cain might have been killed, and that would have put a termination to that line of human beings. This was not to be, and the Lord put a mark upon him, which is the flat nose and black skin. Trace mankind down to after the flood, and then another curse is pronounced upon the same race—that they should be the ‘servant of servants’; and they will be, until that curse is removed; and the Abolitionists cannot help it, nor in the least alter that decree.”[12] MORE

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