SH*T MY UNCLE SAYS: The Elizabethan Age


BY WILLIAM C. HENRY I’ve got two words for Occupy Wall Street (and Occupy Everywhere Else for that matter): ELECT ELIZABETH! As in Elizabeth Warren for those few (hopefully) of you who may not already be aware of who she is and what she represents. Looking for a purpose, someone or something to rally around, some kind of game-changing action to take? Here’s a suggestion: Get out of the parks and start hitting the bricks to help Elizabeth Warren Occupy a U.S. Senate seat from Massachusetts! And, when you’re finished with that, spend the next four years making it possible for her to Occupy 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue! If you ask me, that’s a five-year-protest-plan well worth the effort! Why? Because SMUS_1.jpgElizabeth Warren’s refreshingly controversial (that’s Washington insider-speak used to describe anyone outside the old boy network) political beliefs are probably the closest thing to yours as exist on the American political scene today. She shares your displeasure over bought-and-sold Congressional preferences and shamefully determined White House priorities, and possesses the intelligence, tenacity and integrity to bring about necessary change. Her entire life’s record is one of compassion, fairness and trust. Plus, Wall Street and the entirety of its ilk REALLY DESPISE HER! Hell (and this is coming from someone who’s always decried “one issue” voting), if ever there was a singularly sufficient reason to support a particular individual running for national public office, that’s surely it!

I, like no doubt almost all of the Occupy participants, am growing weary of hearing them be queried as to the specific reason(s) for their protest. It’s almost as though the mainstream media take pleasure in condescending to people who have shown the temerity to challenge the status quo, the ingrained, the Christian God-established natural order of things, if you please. I keep waiting for someone to go Socratic and inquire in turn if they’ve lost their sense of smell; to ask if they really believe you have to be a landfill operator to know what and where the stink is coming from. But I digress. If ever there was a kiss of “life,” that gutless little Rose Garden Judas peck Obama bestowed on Elizabeth’s cheek following the malodorous Cordray nomination announcement just may have been it. Had Obama shown even a smidgen of courage we might not find ourselves in the position we’re in of actually gaining the opportunity to help force a semblance of change in the Washington weather pattern. From my point of view it now appears that Warren’s being buried inside an although truly worthwhile national bureaucracy (in this case it’s actually a good word) that she fought so hard to create and empower might well have been an altogether worse fate for her and the country than what’s transpired.

Regardless of the outcome, it’s going to be refreshing to hear someone actually confront the issues; to hear someone actually inform instead of inflame; to hear someone speak with a humane tongue rather than the greed-swollen one that’s nearly choked the country to death. Believe me, you know your striking veins of pure truth when you find the Right Wing media and their minions beating up George Soros again, and trying to bury you in lies only a Koch could dig up. Incidentally, George Will’s up to his mouth in it too. So, what say all you energized Occupiers far and wide? How about converting that pent-up resentment and frustration into active support for a cause we could all benefit profoundly from? Let’s let the Wall Street rubbish and the rest of Right Wing America know that converse to their repressive, all-consuming self-interest and homage to avarice, we’ve found an anti-wealthfare voice of reason, sanity, and fairness; a person of unqualified courage and character we’re going to unite behind and carry to Capitol Hill and beyond!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Fed up early stage septuagenarian who has actually been most of there and done most of that. Born and raised in the picturesque Pocono Mountains. Quite well educated. Very lucky to have been born into a well-schooled and somewhat prosperous family. Long divorced. One beautiful, brilliant daughter. Two far above average grandsons. Semi-retired (how does anyone manage to do it completely these days?) and fully-tired of bullshit. Uncle of the Editor-In-Chief.

1,809 = The number of Americans killed in action in Afghanistan
14,342 = The number of Americans  wounded in Afghanistan

0 = The number of financial industry kingpins indicted for having committed the most massive FRAUD in American history and wrecking the global economy, plunging untold millions into lives of misery and deprivation.

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