NEWS CLUES: It’s Like Adderall For Your Eyeballs

WATERGATE TAPE: Nixon Describes Fred Thompson As A Useful Idiot
nixonsepia.jpgFred Thompson has made much of his role 30 years ago as a young Senate lawyer helping to lead the investigation of the Watergate scandal and President Richard Nixon. But a much different, less valiant picture of Thompson emerges from listening to the White House audiotapes made at the time, as President Nixon plotted strategy with his aides in the Oval Office. Thompson’s job on the Watergate committee was to lead the Republican side of the investigation. As the investigation picked up speed, Nixon grew increasingly concerned about whether Thompson could stand up to the Democrats. In this May 1973 recording, he shared his concern with then-chief of staff Alexander Haig. “Oh sh–, he’s dumb as hell. Fred Thompson,” Nixon interjects. “Who is he? He won’t say anything.” In another conversation some weeks later, Nixon and his advisers were still describing Thompson as not very smart but at least beginning to play ball. [via ABC NEWS]


presidents_anonib.gif PITTSBURGH — Change for a million? That’s what a man was seeking Saturday when he handed a $1 million bill to a cashier at a Pittsburgh supermarket. But when the Giant Eagle employee refused and a manager confiscated the bogus bill, the man flew into a rage, police said. Since 1969, the $100 bill is the largest note in circulation. Police believe the $1 million note seized at the supermarket may have originated at a Dallas-based ministry. Last year, the ministry distributed thousands of religious pamphlets with a picture of President Grover Cleveland on a $1 million bill. Cleveland is actually pictured on the $1,000 bill. The largest note ever printed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing was for $100,000 and pictured Woodrow Wilson. It never appeared in general circulation, and was only used in transactions between Federal Reserve banks. [via ASSOCIATED PRESS]


WHY THE CAGED BIRD SINGS: Local Authoress Releases Memoir Of Abuse
laydownburden.jpg October is Domestic Abuse Awareness Month. A best-selling Philadelphia author with Essence Magazine departs from fiction in her new book, a personal memoir on domestic abuse. Essence best-selling author Brenda Thomas says she decided to venture into the difficult reality of her own past when she realized that most of her friends and family never knew what she went through with her abusive husband, drug dependency, and torturous marriage until it was all over. ‘Laying Down My Burdens’ is a graphic depiction of Thomas’ struggle. [via KYW]

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